CAFCA Programs & Initiatives
CAFCA Training Academy
The CAFCA Training Academy provides capacity building training and coordination to CT’s 9 Community Action Agencies to foster excellence in all aspects of agency operations and service provision. These efforts support positive and effective customer, community and agency outcomes.
CHW Advocacy Coalition
CAFCA, along with Southwestern AHEC and Community Health Center Association of Connecticut (CHC/ACT), received funding from the Connecticut Health Foundation to support advocacy efforts to help ensure the effective implementation of Medicaid payment for community health workers (CHWs), a workforce that is instrumental in achieving health equity. CHWs bridge the gap between the health care system and the social services that also contribute to patients’ well-being.
Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia (RPIC)
CAFCA serves as a lead organization under the Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia (RPIC), funded by the federal Office of Community Services (part of the Administration for Children and Families). This cooperative agreement supports an ongoing state and regional strategy for collaboration, capacity-building, and exemplary practice in the CAA network.
Social Services Block Grant Case Management (SSBG CM)
CAFCA administers SSBG Case Management statewide with funding provided by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS). SSBG Case Management provides services or activities to help vulnerable or at risk individuals and families meet job, education, housing, and other needs.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Outreach
CAFCA administers SNAP Outreach statewide with funding provided by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS). SNAP provides nutritional support to low-income people. CAA staff provide outreach and education, as well as enrollment assistance to individuals and families who may be eligible for SNAP.