DSS is partnering with CAFCA to host a training entitled “Best Practices for Time and Effort and Personnel Activity Reporting Requirements”.
The intersection between federal time and effort requirements and state personnel activity reporting requirements can be challenging to navigate.
Join us for a training that will provide a refresher for attendees around the expectations of time & effort reporting as well as personnel activity reports.
Join the interactive discussion related to how CAAs are using time & efforts/PARS to determine staffing allocations and how payroll systems are utilized to support the process.
The session will also provide examples and tools related to this type of reporting. Lastly, participants will also learn about the role that Information Memorandum No. 37 (Definition and Allowability of Direct and Administrative Cost Block Appropriation and Allocations) has with this time & effort reporting.
There will also be time for questions and answers. The training will be most relevant for finance, human resources and program/planning staff that are responsible for utilizing their agency’s cost allocation plan to allocate costs between multiple funding sources; verifying documented time and effort and personnel activity report documentation and reporting expenditures across multiple funding sources.
To ensure CAAs have equal access to this very important training, each CAA is capped at 5 attendees. We will maintain a waiting list and after the response date deadline; we will review the waiting list on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If you have any questions about the training, please do not hesitate to contact Cassandra Norfleet-Johnson at Cassandra.norfleet-johnson@ct.gov or Rhonda Evans at Rhonda@cafca.org.
Register by: February 3, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time