News & Events

CAANH UCONN presentation

Community Action Agency of New Haven participated in a community informed learning experience for UConn Med Students

Amos Smith, CEO of Community Action Agency of New Haven, participated in a community informed leaning experience for UConn Med Students.

Income tax program presented by HRA of New Britain

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is being offered at United Way of West Central Connecticut on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The VITA program is presented by United Way of West Central Connecticut and HRA of New Britain.
Shelter NOI

New Opportunities Inc. opening warming center in Meriden

New Opportunities Inc. and the Women and Families Center are collaborating to open the city's first large-scale warming center.
NOI Lettuce

Federal grant giving New Opportunities Inc. triple helping of lettuce.

New Opportunities was awarded a $150,000 federal grant that will enable them to triple the number of greenhouses on Technology Drive where the nonprofit produces lettuce.
Community Action Agency of New Haven, Inc. (CAA-NH)

New Energy Program Open for Low-Income Residents

Lower-income residents and East Haven customers of United Illuminating (UI) can shave some dollars off their electricity bills through the company’s new Low-Income Discount Rate (LIDR) program. The program's rollout comes at a time when customers are beginning to use more energy as temperatures drop and house lights stay on longer with earlier sunsets. UI is looking to help shave off utility costs at the beginning of winter, as eligible customers will receive discounts during the December billing cycle. Customers...
New Opportunities, Inc.

KeyBank announces KeyBank Foundation grants to Connecticut and Western Massachusetts nonprofits

PR Newswire - KeyBank announces (25) twenty-five charitable donations made by KeyBank Foundation, the bank's charitable foundation to nonprofit organizations throughout its Connecticut and Western Massachusetts market.  The gifts focus support to address homelessness, financial literacy, education, job creation and workforce development, and more. New Opportunities Inc. received funding to acquire upgraded technology for CARES mobile job portal.
Thames Valley Council for Community Action employees prepare toys to be given at the Norwich Tommy Toy Fund distribution site.

Almost 50 years later, Tommy Toy Fund keeps giving – the need is great

The Bulletin - The Tommy Toy Fund gave toys to thousands of local families in need, said Scott Umbel, the vice president of Community Impact for the United Way of Southeastern Connecticut. There was so much need for Tommy Toy Fund this year that the United Way had to end registration early this year, as there was high demand from the community. The registration capped out at a similar number to last year, Umbel said. TVCCA employees prepared toys to...

Yale Cancer Center Announces Community Leadership Project Awards

Yale Medicine - Yale Cancer Center recently awarded three community organizations in Connecticut with Community Leadership Project grants. Community Action Agency of New Haven, Inc., Sister Girl Foundation, and Sisters’ Journey each received $10,000 to fund projects addressing cancer prevention, screening, or education.
HRA Grand Opening early learning Center

Early learning center in Bristol celebrates renovation amid ‘childcare crisis’ in Connecticut

NBC CT - The HRA Lake Avenue Early Learning Center in Bristol celebrated a renovation and expansion on Tuesday. The federal grant-funded renovation began in August 2020 and allowed the facility to expand Head Start slots by 18. The facility now also offers an Early Head Start program. "We were able to expand slots for the preschool-age children in the facility and we were able to expand slots for our 0-3, which are the infants and toddlers. That's the critical...

United Way Awards $1.5 Million in Response to Urgent Community Needs

United Way - United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut announced today its investment of $1.5 million to ensure that people in central and northeastern Connecticut achieve financial security and basic needs are met when times are tough.   The investment will support 55 community programs at 38 nonprofit partner agencies across the region. 
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